Midlands Tai Chi Chu'an Schedule

Below are the details for the Tai Chi classes offered by Midlands Tai Chi Ch'uan. You will find a Directions & Map link following each location address.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the contact number of the instructor for each location.

Day & Time Place Address Instructor Contact:
19.00 - 20.30
Corley, West Midlands Corley Village Hall, Church Lane off Tamworth Road, Corley, Coventry CV7 8BT Directions & Map Norman Underwood 07715 969663
Tai Chi movement for the Mature and less able person
10.00 - 12.00
Wolvey, Warks Wolvey Village Hall, The Square, Wolvey, Hinckley, Leicester LE10 3LJ Directions & Map Gee Higham, Neil Chadaway & Adrian Young 01827 716100